I have gotten emails requesting a tutorial for a crocheted chatelaine. Hmmm. What to do? So grabbing bits of crochet thread and a scrap of fabric, I put together this
Daisy Chatelaine.
There are 23 steps, which seems a bit time-consuming, but honestly! it goes rather quickly. And I have also included a diagram for the pattern at the end of this post (because yikes! -- these written directions can seem veeeeeeeerry confusing.....)

By not fastening off, you can continue with crocheting the cord to hang your chatelaine. I have seen many patterns for crocheting a cord -- but none as beautiful or versatile as Thata's. Here is her video showing her 'I-cord'.
By not fastening off, you can continue with crocheting the cord to hang your chatelaine. I have seen many patterns for crocheting a cord -- but none as beautiful or versatile as Thata's. Here is her video showing her 'I-cord'.
Motif diagram
Motif diagram
And my first time at drawing a crochet pattern....so, yes, you must bear with this 'raw' drawing (where you can already easily spot the whited-out areas where I goofed.)
Okay. I am almost afraid to push the PUBLISH POST button --- just how many errors did I make in the directions??
Eek. Oh, well. If you find any, you know where to reach me.
Are you thinking of how many different fabrics you have & how many different crochet thread options are out there?.....
Enjoy the endless possibilities of crocheting your own chatelaine!