*Please note! -- This is not a tutorial for this spiral technique. It is just pics of my progress in making this pot holder. Sorry for any confusion!
Pronunciation: \ˈspī-rəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin spiralis, from Latin spira coil — more at spire
Date: 1551
1 a : winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it
— spi·ral·ly \-rə-lē\ adverb
I am winding myself around hooks & yarn and participating in this lovely Christmas potholder swap. And how much fun to be crocheting this for Diana!Seeing this fabulous potholder & washcloth in one of my favorite books, Kitchen Basics in Cotton --- okay. you must think this is the only crochet book that I ever crochet from --- but once you got a good thing going, well -- the patterns are so appropriate, so easy & so timely.
I have never done this technique before using 3 safety pins. It was a bit confusing at first when reading the directions -- because I am such a visual learner. But once I stopped making it so dang confusing, it stopped being so dang confusing.
Starting from the center point, each row is crocheted in a spiral fashion. After a certain number of of dc, the stitch of each color is dropped, adhered with a safety pin and then picked up once again once the stitches of each previous color has been completed.
And hands down, I used my absolute, most favorite cotton for making these durable potholders & washcloths ---> I Love This Cotton!
This cotton is not so bulky like other cotton yarns. It does not split when crocheting and everything I have made using this turns out soft, creamy -- yet oh, so sturdy..
.A yarny type of ornament...
Just what would my family think if the Christmas tree this year was decorated with only crocheted potholders?....