I lifted the lid off of this box at the thrift store yesterday and I think I actually
*gasped* when I saw what was in it.

Reading the title on the box (and can you believe?---a 99 cent price tag) I was immediately taken with this treasure.

The directions were included in the box. Very brittle and very yellowed with age. Imagine the woman who so painstakingly took the time to cross off each tiny numbered block to complete her quilt. I was so silent and hushed when I carefully opened this..........(my husband loves moments like that.)

Each 2x2 in. fabric block is stacked with a numbered cardboard tag.

I don't think you can know how much I
positively love the print and design of these fabrics.

Quaint. Simple.
And I wonder about the quilt. Was it finished? Were these just the left-over fabric pieces? Is the quilt out there somewhere?.......
Ahhhhh.....a Rainbow Walk through time.
Unbelievable find!! Wow. Those fabrics look so much like today's repros--amazing....
Those are beautiful. What a great find. I never have that kind of luck.
How great that you stumbled upon those gorgeous little boxed squares! They probably are original '30s fabrics -- they look so much like our repros. Have fun with them! :o)
The fabrics are lovely!
What a bargain. Why can't I ever find things like that? Love those sweet tiny floral prints.
Where on earth is that thrift store!! I absolutely love the 30's fabrics and am sooooo totally jealous!!! 99 cents....yay!!
oh my gosh, what a great treasure!! you hit gold!
99 cent treasures! Oh, you cannot beat a find like that. I love the 30's prints, fun fun fun.
You hit the MOTHER LODE!!!!!WOW! WOW! WOW !!! Enjoy!!!!
What a wonderful prize you won!!!That might be a box that is just fun to look at. Never thought that such a find could be found at a thrift store. Think I should start checking them out.
Wowzer, you truly struck gold with this incredible find! Enjoy!
Oh dear...You found a Treasure! Amazing and wonderful - I love those fabrics and simple squares...waiting to see what you'll do with them or do you keep the treasure-box like you got it!?
Wishes Teje
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