I simply pulled ideas out of my head to put these lazy angles together as a small quilt. Using the vintage feed sack material from my grandma (the red & yellow flowered fabric) and scraps from past projects, I laid them out on my design
floor (ha ha) and
couldn't believe how well these 2 colors compliment each other.

It reminds me of cafe curtains hanging in a kitchen during the 1950's. I just love that era and love to duplicate that feeling.

Simple yo-
yos with tiny hand-appliqued leaves and stems will go nicely with the embroidery that I will do to complete the blocks. The iron-on
transfers are also vintage and come from my great-aunt. She gets such a kick out of me still using something of hers from so long ago.

I can't wait to get started on the embroidery on this quilt. It's an actual warm, physical feeling that starts to radiate within me. And then I read how
she actually puts her fabric on the dashboard of her car when coming home from her fabric purchase and I laugh because that truly is the same passion that so many of us share. And better yet---admit to.
Wow! This quilt is going to be so pretty!! I can't wait to see the finished product! Nice work- thanks for sharing and happy stitching!
Oh Dawn, I can see why you are thrilled with this. It's beautiful! Lovely feel!
Your quilt looks wonderful! I look forward to seeing a picture of the whole thing once your finished.
This is going to be a wonderful quilt. What a great combination of handwork. Can't wait to see it when it's finished! ~Adrienne~
You are so clever. You ought to start a design company...really, people would pay for these things you just 'put together'. This is so cheerful and fun. I LOVE it. Thanks for the birthday love.
My, my, my Dawn, I love the quilt! What a brilliant designer. So sweet to have your aunt's iron on transfers in this quilt! Gorgeous!
You're right, it does look like a 1950's kitchen!
Hi Dawn! I've been reading your blog for a while now--followed a link, maybe from Lisa?--and just wanted to say hello!
I had no idea anything like Lazy Angle existed. What cool blocks! Thank you for sharing them and I would love to see the finished quilt!
I needed a thimble for my crochet (size 80 thread, size 14 hook... ouch, the tip of that thing is sharp!) and couldn't find one, but I DID find adhesive finger patches in a cross-stitch store. They're called "Thimble-It" and the website is http://www.colonialneedle.com Hope that helps!
LOVE IT !!!!!LOVE IT !!!! LOVE IT !!!! ...... and you definately captured the feel of the nifty fifties with those colors, etc .....by the way, as if you couldn't figure this out from my Lucy and Ethel obsession, not to mention Aunt Bea and June Cleaver .... I also love that seeminlgy simple era .... not to mention the cute dresses and HATS !!!!
The vintage fabric is lovely and the fabrics you have put with it complement it beautifully.
It's so nice that you are using authentic vintage transfers and the fact that they have been passed down within your own family makes it extra special. It will be a stunning finished piece!
Those "lazy angles" look great! The whole thing looks fabulous.
What a delightfully sweet project!
I just hop-scotched here. Saw your link on another person's favorites.
You do lovely work. About 4 years ago I decorated my kitchen in red/white/green with a few touches of yellow. Trying for a 40s look. Your quilted piece is very nice and inspiring.
Just happened to see your blog while browsing google.com...
You have done amazing work... specially this quilt is just superbe.
I was just trying to seek idea to make a quilt for my coming baby, however now I am flooded with ideas.
Thanks a ton for sharing.
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