Here are the rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
7 random facts about me

2. Even weirder---I love, love, love to iron fabric.
3. I would much rather sew by hand than with machine.
4. I would love to open my own yarn store. My husband groans when he hears this because it's only about every day that I say this to him.
5. There is something about the hydrangea that completely mesmermizes me. So beautiful. The hues of purples, blues, white...each intricate petal forms such a gorgeous blossom.
6. Autumn is my favorite season.
7. My husband bought me a box of crayons for an anniversary present. Strangely I have received diamonds from him but crayons are still my favorite.
Now, for some of you, you'll have to pretend with me. I know how hard it was for me to list personal facts about myself because I am a very private person. But transport yourself back in time to when women sat around in their desirable quilting bees.

4. QuilterSal's Pieceful Harbor
5. Spring Thinking
6. Suzy's Quilting Room
7. Tallgrass Prairie Studio
I know, I know most of you have been tagged 6 times since Tuesday, but just pretend that I am that old, old woman invited to the quilting bee that is sooooo hard of hearing & a tad bit forgetful and you just need to repeat everything many, many times just so that I can hear it and understand it.....or, just smile and nod and link back to the post that lists the first time you participated in this...*grin*
5. Spring Thinking
6. Suzy's Quilting Room
7. Tallgrass Prairie Studio
I know, I know most of you have been tagged 6 times since Tuesday, but just pretend that I am that old, old woman invited to the quilting bee that is sooooo hard of hearing & a tad bit forgetful and you just need to repeat everything many, many times just so that I can hear it and understand it.....or, just smile and nod and link back to the post that lists the first time you participated in this...*grin*
Dawn, I'd be happy to attend the virtual quilting bee! I know what you mean about hydrangeas...
Yes, I have done the 7 random things before, but thanks for the thought and the link! I'm with you on ironing fabric, and if you open a yarn store could it be near my house?
Hooray...I have been tagged!! Thanks, pal. Fresh crayons are the best...btw. :)
Oh my goodness someone else who loves a new box of crayons! I know exactly how you feel. :-)
Wow -- my first tag! Coolios. Thanks so much for thinking of me. I'll gladly play along. :o)
P.S. A fresh box of crayons and Autumn are my favorites, also! I'm really going to miss Autumn when we move to Florida.
Thanks for sharing your facts! I love how you presented them in pictures along with your words. I love a new box of crayons too. I hope your dream comes true someday to open a yarn store. I am with you on the virtual quilting bee!!
Wow! I've read about tagging but no one has ever tagged me before! Thanks, Dawn....now to get over to my own blog and follow the rules...
Here from Knot Garden to visit. Loved your 7 randoms, & I adore your wonderful photos all together there, so bright & appealing.
Very nice blog, lovely pics.
Your hand quilting looks amazing!
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