Oh. my. goodness. What was I thinking? As a beginner quilter with not too much experience---especially in the precision department...
ahem....I did not realize that attempting pinwheels on point could be a source of frustration!
Ugh. I have paper-pieced this block quite easily, but
my, oh, my, doing the blocks this way demands precision.....miniscule precision or---well, they can take on a pretty wonky appearance, yes? And you can tell with the above green pinwheel block that my centers don't exactly meet at center. And what is with those little nibbits off of each triangle?.....are you supposed to clip those off before or after sewing each block??

Oh well. I do want this quilt to be baby cute (it's called
Jack & Jill in Apr./May '08 QUILT magazine) for either a baby boy or girl. Our piano teacher is having a baby next month and the kids wanted to give her something extra special. Now, let's see if I can keep a straight seam and have this quilt finished-- and acceptable enough to give as a gift.
Dawn, this is cheerful and cute. I think it looks great. Yes, trim the nidbits or tidbits or whatever you call those little mini triangles. I have never done anything on point. How do you do that? Do you cut the triangle from a square?
Lovely clean colours! I'm sure you will do a great job - the piano teacher will love it.
Too, too cute! The precision with smaller blocks will come with practice - lots of practice! But the bottom line is that the baby who gets this quilt is going to love it to pieces!
Looks like so far a job well done. The colors are great and the piecing looks terrific. Just relax and have fun!
You know what they say... "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" It will look fabulous and only you will see those little off centers. Love your color choices... again.
Hi Dawn,
You have been tagged by me. Check out my post for the rules!
This is so cute. Found your blog through Jackie's at Canton Village. LOVE your work. I'll be back!
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