If, instead of a gem
or even a flower,
we could cast the gift
of a lovely thought
into the heart of a friend,
that would be giving
as angels give.
--george macdonald, 1824-1905

A gift of a lovely thought. This vintage
hanky is from a lovely
Marlene. I met this woman through her lovely
blog & laugh out loud at her funny, funny insights into every day living and wipe a tear for her heart-tugging endearments.

And she sends me this. Does she know that vintage hankies have such a fond place in my heart? I collect these! I love these! I cherish these with every particle of my collecting self!

Ah. Such blessings. From such a beautiful friend.
What a treasure! Thanks for sharing with us all.
I think blogging friends have the biggest hearts! This is so lovely. The blanket stitching on it is just beautiful. Have a very nice weekend! Twyla
What a lovely lady and what a lovely thing to give and receive. You will treasure this.
I wanted to say thanks for your encouragement and kind words....always!! Thanks :o)
This blogging land of ours is wonderful and even though most of us will never actually meet, we can be ourselves and share our passions here.
Have groovy day Dawn! :o)
What a wonderful thing to do! It is a beautiful hanky too. I would love to see any other hankies you might have. That would make for a terrific post.
Awww --- how sweet is that! I love the handwork. Marlene is definitely a sweetheart. Her blog is phenomenal!
p.s. I just posted pictures of my cross-stitch.
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