WARNING---> If you are related to me & your name starts with a B, E or L --->StOp reading now!

I am catching up on Christmas gifts & am in the process of finishing these cross-stitch items for my favorite sisters-in-law and mother-in law. The black & white stitching is going to be a
biscornu -- French for a
'quirky, little pincushion with 8 sides'. Because 'L' is
soooooo into beading, I will be making a matching scissors fob to go with this pincushion so she can take these to all of her beading classes -- and for those times she sets up
'beading camp' on the dining room table as soon as a family meal has been cleared.

'B' has a love for
goldens that almost surpasses
our love for this beautiful dog, so when I saw this pattern I just knew that this would become a pillow for her....and most likely her dogs. Hey, she leaves the TV on for them while she is at work -- so providing a stitched pillow is almost a requirement for them......

And here is a blue-bird with apple blossoms that will become some sort of something for 'E'. She is so sad that their cat has chased away all of these birds from their feeders, so I tried to capture their beauty in this stitching. I'm not sure how to finish this, but hopefully an idea will spring forth before the mad dash for getting all of my gifts done hits me on the head-- that mad dash usually hits about the 20
th of December. But.....
ThIs YeAr WiLl Be DiFfErEnT!
Beautiful cross stitches - I'm working on Christmas gifts right now too - ugh.
Wonderful gifts and lucky recipients to have the beautiful gifts!
Beautiful cross stitching. I use to cross stitch when I was a girl. I won several blue ribbins for my work at the local county fair. It is very time consuming and these certainly look like you've put forth lots of energy. BTW, I loved the flower tutorial. I love tutorials and this is definitely one I will use sometime. Thanks a bunch!
What a pity the cat chased away the birds. I think having birds around helps make a town a home. Beautiful crosstitches with perfect co-ordinating materials. Cherrie
Your work is all beautiful. Lucky recipients!
Wow, Dawn - what lovely handmade gifts! I had great plans to do handmade gifts earlier this year, but they ain't happening.
I love that black and white cross-stitch - so chic looking!
your stitching is gorgeous. You are a fast cross-stitcher. This would have take me 2 years to do.
I admire you for having this much done already. No last minute for you this Christmas! I love to cross stitch, but now need an Ott lite and magnifying glasses to do it since they started making the holes harder to find!
WOW !!! Gorgeous projects (as always!!) .... and I bow to you and hang my head in shame "oh organized for Christmas person"!!
P.S. Thanks so much for the flower tutorial!!! Can't wait to try it!
wow...these are gorgeous. so, you're a cross stitcher too. good job getting things crossed off your list early!
My parents always used to leave the TV on for their dogs while they were out! The cross stitch is beautifully done, and I know it's time-consuming work. Your family are very lucky to have such lovely handmade gifts.
I am thinking I wished my name started with one of those letters!
Great projects and some lucky people will be loving them.
wow, those are really good! and very intricate, i'm sure the people who recieve them will be SO happy =].
I especially love the retriever, it's so detailed and you're very talented!
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