The summer days and nights go round 'n round in a predictable time of heat, play & rest.

And the going round 'n round of the crochet hook during those summer evening baseball games and the weekly violin lessons has finally produced this doily that didn't quite measure 33 1/2 inches but came awfully close.

The repetition of this stitching filled those tiny gaps during those
just-sitting-there-moments. You know those moments that can only be filled with something that can be easily done. Easily grab-able. Something that travels so compactly in the bottom of my bag. And who cares if it gets a tiny bit smooshed midst the wallet, cell phone, iPod?
And it hit me (after about the 400
th row....) that this is
filet crochet. Because I always look for
filet crochet in a square-
ish project I didn't even see the
filet pattern when first beginning this.

Light & airy. I have a huge smile when seeing these pics on this post. It is good to be back.
And now I have some catching up to do with visiting all of you and seeing what wonderful things you have been up to!
How delicate is that? Glad, oh so glad you are back, bloggal. Thanks for the pinwheel feedback. :) I am working on a bag and on a purse that I would bet money your girls would like the style of. Quite chic and trendy!
It's stunning! I've never done such delicate crochet, but looking at your beautiful pieces makes me salivate. :o)
Wow! It's just gorgeous. I have a few doileys that my grandmother made and I really treasure them. Blessings, marlene
Oh, Gosh! That is beautiful! I've never gotten the hang of crochet...just plain jealous of anyone who can do that! Lovely!
Missed you...glad you're back.
Love the doiley! Where are you going to put it?
Just beautiful, a real achievement. 400 rounds is a lot of staying power! You should be very proud. This will be a future heirloom.
Nice to see you back and I love your new blog header.
It is absolutely gorgeous!!! I envy your patience, over 400 rows??? I am not such a patient person when it comes to crochet I generally prefer to just make hats for my little girls.
Ohhhh, it's just beeeyoootiful!! It made me catch my breath in admiration! And yes, that is most definitely an heirloom!
Mine is also finished except I haven't got a good space to take a pic of it yet. Tis too big now for the back of that chair.
How do you block yours? Do you use pins, or do you press them?
Oh, that is absolutely breathtaking! It is just gorgeous. You did a great job and it's so nice that it filled time while you were doing something else. Thanks for sharing it with us. ~Adrienne~
Oh my! That is amazing and beautiful. I can't believe it didn't take a million years. That must be some pretty long violin lessons!
That is beautiful. I have several pieces similar to that, that I have inherited from my Paternal Grandmother. I hardly knew her, but she was a wonderful embroiderer & crochet worker.
I agree with everyone who commented before me, but I still wanted you to know that you have one more admirer who thinks you are VERY talented! Have a nice week! Twyla
Oh my, this is stunning, so delicate. I admire your skill. Wow. I really am in awe.
How pretty! Glad you got it done - well worth the wait!
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