Spoiler Alert ---> again! Kris from Quilted Simple --read no further!
My very funny blogirl-friend, Kris has (I'm pretty sure) had enough of my whining.
Whine? Me? Why, yes. I do tend to go on and on and on ( read ---> whine) about not being able to knit. So, either fed up with my continuous rants to not being able to knit, or just being the true friend that she is -- she has been very busy, pain-stakingly knitting me a cardi (and oh, my! I can't wait to see it!!) Just the idea of a lovely knitted cardi that someone is making me -- well it simply warms my heart.
But now the problem. What could I possibly make for her that would equal such a thoughtful gesture?
Well, it was time to hit one of my favorite books:

And having made this luscious sweater purse once before, I decided to make this one for Kris in a yummy eggplant colored yarn and shorten the length of the purse to be more sporty.

And the timely appearance of autumn gourds makes for a very fall-ish look.
I actually purchased a small leather purse and tacked it to the inside of the crocheted one. I wanted Kris to able to tuck a whole bunch of stuff into it and utilize the convenience of so many pockets, but still have the look of a hand-made sweater without smaller items spilling out between the stitches.
I do hope she likes it. I know that I will just be bursting at the seams when the mailman brings that lovely knitted cardi from her.
I totally love this bag and the colour too. Cherrie
Nice bag, I love it.
What wonderful friends you both are. I am making my 3rd of these bags after seeing your light brown one. What a great choice of color for this one. This time I am using nylon Hilos La Espiga #18. I line the inside of my bags. I hope to get a picture up soon.
I can't recommend it, since I don't have this book, nor know of anybody who does have it, but if you wish to, consider this book:
I love the richness of this color. Perfect as usual! Was Halloween chilly in your neck of the woods, too??? Burrr.
This purse is so beautiful. Your friend is very lucky. Twyla
I am totally head over heels in love with that purse! I covet it. Shame on me. blessings, marlene
Gorgeous, both colour & bag!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Rec'd yesterday and already in use.....
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