Sitting in the kitchen, our daughter tells me that it is her friend's Sweet 16 birthday -- and could I please make her friend a bag for that birthday?

And here's the thing, Mom -- it has to be done by tomorrow.......
Oooooooooookay. So I draw a rough pattern on paper. And make a very hasty stop into the fabric store, lazily strolling down each row of fabric, fingering all those beautiful patterns and texture...Note to self--Shopping with a time constraint is not the way to shop in any fabric store!

And of course at home -- there's slivers to take out of 9 year old boys who play too heartily at recess. And suppers to get on the table. And daughters to be picked up from catechism class. And 4 pages of a history assignment. And
styrofoam cells that need to be hot-glued into place....

And a bag for a very sweet 16 year old. Happy birthday, Kara.