
1. I am 2 years older than my husband.
2. When my husband & I are old enough to retire -- our view out our front window will be trees, barn and more trees.
3. I would love to dress just like they did in the 1940's.
4. I have always wanted a huge family -- just like The Waltons. Loud, loving meals all surrounding a huge kitchen table.
5. I love, love, LOVE to read.
6. Much to my husband's dismay -- I could easily become a crazy 'cat lady'. (ha. Sorry, dear! I can already hear your groan! *grin*)
7. Coffee is very much a part of my daily diet.
And now, I will try and tag 7 of you that have never been tagged by me.........
Dearfii ......
Okay, so it's not 7.
And don't worry if you don't want to do this/or you have just recently done this on your blog. I just appreciate every one of you visiting and leaving such beautiful, encouraging words....you ALL are my inspiration!
I won't tell the police if you give us a close up of the sewing so I can see how it is done and copy it. Sewing squares together is such a chore that I simply refuse to do it. Thanks for the wonderful idea. Cherrie
Oh I love the rug with the quilt = both are GREAT! And yes, machine sew it together - it has to last, right??
What a great idea to sew the squares together. It turned out beautiful. How cheery and fun. Way to go!!!
Lovely afghan and it really is a great match to the quilt! Nice to hear that you are an avid cat lover too!! I loved watching the Waltons... great show! Good night John Boy!
I absolutely love the crocheted rug! I think it is a Brilliant idea that you Sewed it together. So much quicker. It matches her quilt to a T. We will play along with your tag, just give us a few days. Have a wonderful week. Twyla
Your crochet is beautiful and the colours zing - your daughter has a great eye for colour. Very original to machine sew them and it really works well. Great work!
Fun cheerful and bright. . .just like you. Love it. Aren't shortcuts great?
Fantastic wonderful colours as always...just gorgeous!!
Now onto the Tag thingy...I'll give it a bash...but oh dear I don't think I'm that interesting :p
Have a groovy day
Rob xx
Wow - Dawn - those are truly lovely rainbow colors!
Love the rug! I never would have thought of doing that but it's perfect. :) And thanks for the tag. I listed 7 weird things about me not too long ago so I think I'll pass on this one - I don't want you all to know how really weird I am! blessings, marlene
dawn...that is beautiful. you are a talented lady!!
very beautiful very wonderfull
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