The peonies in our garden have opened their glorious, heavy bonnets of pink petals. These must be some of my most favorite flowers.
.And can you believe it? Recently rifling through a pile of musty linens at the thrift store, I couldn't believe when I unearthed the three items above! -- the variegated pink crochet dresser scarf, and two delicate hankies.
.And with the warm breeze of summer coming through our windows, I was
furthered carried away --
and inspired! -- with the beauty of hand-made flowers when I paged through this book:

Page after page of gorgeous ribbon flowers! I never knew of Celia Thaxter before, but am enthralled with her!

All this time the lovely day was slowly changing its early delicate colors and freshness for the whiter light of noon.--Celia Thaxter
Oh my. Such a romantic, heady feeling of inspiration?
My kids (okay. and maybe my husband too.) think I'm pretty weird getting all googly-eyed over such things, but I loooooooove stuff like this.

And yes, I'll continue to get carried away when I see stuff like this.
Maybe just not as loud.
..This also from our garden.

The kids were giddy when we found this tiny bunny scurrying through the flowers. And of course, our cat must inspect all new visitors. Or, so she thinks.
But then after marveling over the cuteness factor, we gently placed the bunny down & watched him/her scurry back to his home underneath the leafy cover of safety.