This is Mary Werst's Exceptional doily that I started awhile ago from this book. The dense-ness of the stitches is so totally unlike any doily that I have ever crocheted.
I love that.
And I also love this exceptional January snow that seems to intensify the sky with a blueness that is so vibrant & jewel-like.

This is the view from our front yard -- yup, very blessed indeed.
And so thankful that so many years ago a lovely lady took the time during my lunch recess to teach me how to crochet doilies.
I am using my # 7 steel crochet hook and my very, very favorite crochet thread, Aunt Lydia Bamboo Crochet Thread, size 10.
My husband is under the very sad, mistaken notion that doily-love is only for grandmas from long, long ago & teases me that he is going to list me as 'Doily Dawn' in my obituary.
But don't worry -- I will properly educate him into becoming passionate about doilies strewn all over the house.
Hmmm. I wonder what he'd think about a lovely crocheted edging on .... say... some of his clothing?
I'm kidding, of course........
....but if anyone has the perfect pattern for masculine edgings, let me know.