I have visions of this becoming a fabulous family quilt with different blocks showing the different loves of our family. Each block would depict something we all like: music, piano, violin, purses, baseball, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, purses, flowers, golden retrievers, purses, kitties, pine trees, peonies, purses, etc.....
no more hoopla
I was using a 14 inch hoop and found it quite difficult to maneuver/transport/carry. Well, lo and behold, I saw this beautiful book, written by Suzanne Marshall and she does not use a hoop when hand-quilting her quilts. I couldn't believe it--she has this huge quilt on her lap and she manipulates the quilt and needle w/o a bulky hoop.
Could this be possible?
Well... I decided to drop the hoop and set this small quilt on my lap and found the stitching to be so much easier. My stitches were even smaller and more consistent. And Suzanne is right--you rock the fabric up and down to meet the needle and it is quicker and not so strenuous on the hands.
busy, busy, busy
pretty ladies and their parasols
building blocks & baseball diamonds
'Ah.......yes dear....it's called geometry.'
'But honey, just look at how these form an actual baseball diamond when sewn together.'
'Uh-huh......it's just simple geometry'
And a stare that he could not believe I did not already know this.
out of the ordinary
But something is coming up next month and it involves making a quilt. Our son will be celebrating his 9th birthday. And he has 2 loves. 1) planes and 2) baseball.
So, I am left asking my husband (who happens to be a whiz at math--phewwww!) to help with the rudimentary procedures of trying to get this thing pieced properly.
And yup, he is soooooooo looking forward to that!
simple process
Embroidery. Pronunciation: \im-ˈbrȯi-d(ə-)rē\ Date: 14th century1 a: the art or process of forming decorative designs with hand or machine needlework.
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