
shaded embroidery, fabric scraps & vintage eyelet lace

If you love embroidery -- and I do! -- you must pick up this book:

Clare Hanham explains shaded embroidery so well with her wonderful pics and directions.

So after paging through this, a huge dose of creative inspiration surges through my body (this is when my family tries to quietly escape out the front door....)

And I start scrounging through my fabric scraps, embroidery thread and found pieces of vintage eyelet lace...

.And begin.

In her book she starts you out with very basic 3 shades of pink embroidery floss and simple long/short stitches to make this flower.

The piece becomes so vivid with just the subtle changes of colored thread.

I was pleasantly surprised --okay, shocked really -- with these results.
Quite easy. Quite do-able. And when becoming so frustrated with having to count out stitches in a cross-stitch pattern, well -- this may be the answer!

And now I must figure out how to finish off this tiny piece.


  1. Dawn I love doing these things too... it's been many years!
    I remember learning and doing these shaded flowers with my Mum and Nan as a teenager.. I love the effect and I'm sure I didn't appreciate it then.
    Yours is so lovely! So elegant.
    Simply beautiful!!

  2. I love all the things you worked with.

  3. HOW LOVELY! And perfect colors, all of your pieces match so pretty.

  4. This piece is so beautiful already, I can't wait to see what you do with it. Twyla

  5. this turned out so beautiful.

  6. Just perfect! I have just made one of your fabric flowers, tomorrow it will be in my blog. Please have a look and tell me what you think about it. Are you thinking about make a bag tutorial?? I want one like yours and now I have the flower.

  7. I do love embroidery and have a couple of books but I'll be watching for this one too. Where did you find it? blessings, marlene

  8. You are so inspiring! Love all the projects you are working on. And your peonies are BEAUTIFUL
