It was back to the
'drawing board' to get these blocks to fit together without that wonky 3 1/2 in. block & 3 7/8 in. block getting in the way and c.o.n.f.u.s.i.n.g. me. Actually, I don't have a drawing board or design wall & have to lay them out on our bed. For some reason our cats think it is their business to rest their furry little bottoms on each block that I lay out and then scatter them every which way.
So I auditioned the blocks in a billion different positions and
*surprise!* when putting them together they formed little baseball diamonds. I did not even try to do that and when I expressed my glee to my husband he replied:
'Ah.......yes's called geometry.'
'But honey, just look at how these form an actual baseball diamond when sewn together.'
''s just simple geometry'
And a stare that he could not believe I did not already know this.
Okay, so I never imagined that math figured into the creative process of quilting. In fact, if I had known that I don't think I would have ever attempted this wonderful endeavor. It would have scared me silly.
But now that I have, I am enjoying this ride. It's exciting. And it's forcing me to
finally use the left side of my brain.