I love scarves & have a whole collection of them that I have collected over the years from my stylish aunts & grandmas & even thrift stores.
I have especially had my eye on these ruffle scarves that seem to be everywhere!
For example --->I was at the hair salon the other day, & walked in only to see an entire table of these hand-made lovelies (and btw -- priced at $24.95 each.)
So recently while at the fabric store --- with nary a thought of purchasing yarn --- ahem...I stumbled upon the display for this yarn:
Now, I have seen copious patterns for this ruffle scarf, but didn't know if it would be better to crochet or knit it. I must have been thinking this out loud when I checked out (yes, kids, it's true --- mom does talk to herself out in public) because the clerk went scampering to get her knitting needles and proceeded to show me how to cast-on and go about knitting the ruffles. Glancing nervously about --- because I did not want anyone in line behind me to be groaning and tapping their foot at the lady getting a free knitting lesson --- I was surprised because they seemed to be just as amazed as me as to how easily this can be done!
(This shows the almost identical way in which she showed me how to do this.)
Don't you just love the way this comes off of the skein. I mean! Who came up with such a delightful yarn?
And this knit up in about 30 seconds. Okay.
Maybe a little bit longer...
...but what a gorgeous, flow-y, lovely scarf that I k.N.i.T.!
And thanks to any store employee that goes the extra mile and enthusiastically helps/shares their passion!
Especially when it has to do with yarn.